Bouquet CSA

What is a Bouquet CSA?

CSA is an abbreviation for Community Supported Agriculture.  When you become a member of our Bouquet CSA, you are buying a "share" of the flowers that we grow each season.  For a block of weeks during the growing season, you'll receive our farm's most beautiful flowers for your home or office.  Mad Lizzie CSA members, by paying for a share up front, support us as we plan and invest for the upcoming season. Your advanced payment enables us to purchase new and exciting flower and seed varieties.

Bouquet CSA Members will receive a fresh bouquet of seasonal, farm-fresh flowers.  Each bouquet will be lovingly grown, freshly harvested, arranged in a mason jar or wrapped in paper, available for pick-up in and around Middleton and Cross Plains.  With water changes and stem trims every few days, some local flowers may last up to 2 weeks.

bouquet csa pick up options

Bouquets not picked up by end of business hours will be donated to a neighboring nursing home, police station, EMS or Firehouse.

TUESDAYS // Mad Lizzie's Flower Farm @ 5700 Otto Kerl Rd, Cross Plains (Pick up after 12:00pm) or I Harbor Wellness Studios, Middleton (Pick Up after 12:00pm)
THURSDAYS // Crossroads Coffeehouse (between 8:00am-12:00pm) or Nineteen09 (between 3:00-7:00pm)


2021 Season is sold out.

May Day Share

Our May Day Share will be four weeks starting in May; start date determined by Mother Nature. Bunches may include daffodils, tulips, flowering branches and mixed bouquets.

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Summer Bounty

Our Summer Bounty Share begins the week of June 6th and runs for 12 weeks (full share). Mixed bouquets will be arranged in a large mason jars or wrapped in Kraft paper sleeves with our farm's most unique focal flowers, fillers and greens.

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Sunflower Power

The Sunflower Power Share will run weekly for 6 weeks starting late July (date TBD) featuring big bunches of our farm's most popular (and unique) sunflowers; peach passion, sunrich gold, teddy bears, strawberry blondes and more! 

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