Harvest Dinner to Give Thanks.


Harvest Dinner to Give Thanks.

There’s been a lot of talk about dogs, flower crowns and the weather around here lately. And, I guess this post will be no different.

Dale and I, along with the help of my oldest childhood friend, pulled off our first-ever “harvest” or “farm-to-table” dinner, although both of those phrases don’t really do the experience justice.


For Immediate Release


For Immediate Release

Seventeen years ago I remember exactly where I was when American soil was attacked. I remember where the sun was in the sky, the crisp September air, the eerie calmness of Lake Superior in the midst of tragedy. I am not alone in these moments and those that followed.


Run for the Roses


Run for the Roses

Since I have a talent for twisting just about anything into being solely about me, this story/song has always helped me make sense of situations in my adult life.  Through my parent’s divorce, and the subsequent decades since, I can find comfort in the lyrics and melody. 


Time after time.

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Time after time.

Early on when Miles and Maddie were struggling to make sense of this, I told them that cardinals are a sign that someone from heaven is watching over them.

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Connection and Disconnection


Connection and Disconnection

Disclaimer: this little dimpled cutie is not ours.  We do have cute kids, I’ll admit, but I think we can all agree this one = #futureheartbreaker.  I would have never known this little angel existed without the power of connection.  Connection through cliched terms like family, friends and community.  But break those all down and really think about those words for a minute.


Why a Bouquet CSA?

Why a Bouquet CSA?

To be honest, I really didn't even know what a CSA was when this idea was born.  But I must give credit where credit is due.

Iron bridge, Bayfield, Wisconsin.

Dale and I moved to Bayfield, Wisconsin a few months before we got married.  We were young, free and didn't care about things as lame as health insurance. 

The Champion

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The Champion

I'd like to tell you a little about my mother-in-law.

Today was her last day of a very successful 22 year career as a medical coder.  And while there is no doubt in my mind the people that worked with her, for her and around her will miss her terribly, around here we are jumping for joy.  Her retirement is well-deserved.  But around here we have never defined her by her "day job".

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How to get your man to buy you flowers.

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How to get your man to buy you flowers.

So, last night while we are getting ready for bed, I ask Dale casually, "how do I get guys to buy a Bouquet CSA for their lady?"  Assuming because he has a wife and he is a guy he would know the answer.  I am sure you can guess the one I received.

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Bad dream = lucky girl.

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Bad dream = lucky girl.

Madeline woke up to a bad dream the other night. 

I heard a faint murmur in the hallway.  Reluctantly, I half-opened one eye, but before I could take any action, Dale was up and out of bed.  He was likely sleeping harder than I was even though I had already been sleeping for 4 hours longer than he.  But, man he's got, like, ninja hearing when it comes to our kids.  Always has.  He's good like that.

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A trip around the sun.


A trip around the sun.

I just passed the sun for the 39th time. 

As I sit here on a warm, sunny October afternoon, watching the stupid box elder bugs and Asian beetles swarm my house, I again think how blessed and thankful I am, even with the bugs. 


Love or Fear?


Love or Fear?

I recently watched a commencement speech by Jim Carey about love and fear.  It was like that post was made for me to see in that instant.  Facebook is weird like that. (Or wired like that...same letters.  Hmmm.)  You should watch, it's worth it.


Why I love Wisconsin.

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Why I love Wisconsin.

Why would you want to know this?  Well, I don't have the answer to that, but I know why I want to write it.  I want a way to remember why I live here...in January.  Especially when my sister, whom currently resides in Nashville, Tennessee (like you don't know where Nashville is) sends me texts with images of her car thermometer with 70+ degrees anytime between December and April.  I mean, I love her, but seriously Steph?

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The coolest thing about a cool job

The coolest thing about a cool job

I have had the opportunity to hold A LOT of jobs.  All of them cool in their own right; bank teller, audio/visual aide, special education aide, administrative assistant, web designer, bartender, waitress, flight operations specialist, realtor, "fabric consultant" at a quilt shop, fitness instructor.  But by far my faves are what I am currently spending my time doing.

The Grain Bin...Bar


The Grain Bin...Bar

That shouldn't surprise our friends and family.  I mean, it's not like we have anything else going on that takes our up our time and energy (wink, wink).  But this is how we roll.  And this project probably has more meaning than anything in our life so far.


Pick Your Own Sunflowers

Pick Your Own Sunflowers

Let's make all hours SUNFLOWER HAPPY HOUR! 

Bring your families out to pick your own sunflowers ANYTIME.  Here's how it works

The Sunflowers Are Here!


The Sunflowers Are Here!

Man, it's been a long time coming.

We have had a lot happen in the days since we first planted those baby sunflower seeds.  The weather has been difficult to say the least.  However, nothing of beauty comes without it's challenges. 



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I think I mentioned in an earlier post how difficult November and December are for this girl.  I love all things green and growing.  Brown and dead and gray and cold are not really my jam.

My favorite season used to be Autumn; the cool crisp afternoons, those lazy Packer Sundays, leaves falling softly…blah, blah, blah.  Plus, it’s my birthday season so there’s that. 

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Girls do not hate flowers.

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Girls do not hate flowers.

Girls do not hate flowers. No one does.

Previously titled: Boys Let Me Help You Out.

It has come to my attention recently, again, that there is a husband out there that said to his buddy, “I am so glad my wife doesn’t like flowers.”

Ah. Stab me in the heart.

Even typing this makes me shutter.  But there’s more.  I can’t even start on Mother’s Day and those husbands/baby dad..? (I typed that a couple times, not sure what Webster has to say about baby daddy…is it daddies, or daddys) that feel they don’t need to celebrate the mother of their children.  I mean. I. Can’t. Even.  There may be a very emotionally charge blog post coming soon.

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